Group Coaching, Workshops
and Business Development

Peak Performance OS for Sales Team:

Most sales coaches and consultants focus on gimmicks, tricks, and transactional tactics. GLUED focused on transforming teams from the inside out, both personally and professionally. Ultimately, making them more productive, accountable, and adding long-term value to your organization.

Common Problems Solved
for B2B Sales Teams?

Closing the Complex Sale:

Prevent deals from getting stuck and close more deals, increase deal size, and reduce deal attrition.

Patience over the Pitch:

Get more meetings using a know, like and trust approach focused on them, not your features and benefits.

Repeatable Sales Blueprint for Success:

Most sales teams wing it and have no consistent process. Customized sales process and blueprint based on how your customer makes decisions.

Harness a Performance Mindset in Sales:

It’s not about what you know, it’s how you perform when it matters. Change your team from a “know it all” to a “learn it all” mindset.


Stop wasting time on deals that won’t close, prioritize deals most likely to win.

Group Coaching


Peak Performance OS:

High-performance teams focused on each individual performance


GLUED does half-day, full-day, or 2-day workshop encompassing the Maverick Method and Peak Performance OS frameworks.
The GLUED interactive workshops are delivered in an interactive effort including workbooks, breakout sessions, and continuous activities. Focused on either or all the GLUED peak performance frameworks and Maverick Method training.
Don’t worry, we don’t do the boring death by powerpoint trainings!

Business Development as a Service: